Day 1.
I started by doing x pushups straight out of bed. I was surprised how difficult it was. There was a time when I trained very hard and I used to go straight from the bed into a one minute handstand. Before my feet even touched the floor. But those days are over. I am older now and I realize that this challange is going to be difficult.
Anyway. I continued the morning by doing a number of push ups whenever I felt like it.
At 11 o´clock I went for a intreval workout. 10 x 200m sprint. I also took the opportunity to integrate some push ups into that.
This means that i so far had a good morning with push ups.
Total push ups so far: x
A good morning workout
After lunch I had a meeting and did zero push ups during that time. I did however have another set a couple of hour later. This time in a public place which was fine.
I got home at 21.30 and had the need to run so I went out. I got really inspired and ran 15k in a beautiful Stockholm evening. Closed that workout session with stretching and yes, push ups.
Day 2.
This morning I felt completly right about naming this event “Painweek.” I am in pain.
I didnt roll out of bed straight into push ups today. I crawled out and moved very, very slow.
I stretched out my suffering body and I´m surprised how fast stretching can get you back to feel…less bad.
Soon I was able to attack the push up mission again. So I did.
This morning I also realised how important it is not to be depending on a plan. My plan was to stay infront of the computer and work but something unexpected happend so I lost valuable push up time.
So in order to make up for that, I took a late lunch and went for a 10 k run where I did x push ups on each kilometre.
I don´t mind doing push ups in public but this evening I was in a place with broken glass, blood and beer on the floor. Not a good environment for push ups. Had to do a set i stress when I got home instead. Not ideal.
Project total: x
Day 3.
And I can feel that it is day 3. Not that I know how it should feel on the 3rd day. I just feel that it is the 3rd day of something extreme. The 1 st day I went straight into pushups. On the 2nd as well. (more or less) This morning I woke up with a strong resistence towards the whole thing. Maybe because I can´t move my arms? Anyway, I dropped to the floor and did my first set of x push ups. There is no turning back.
Me doing push ups in the kitchen.
#painweek #vainweek
For the last part of the day I was driving. In a way, that is kind of a bad set up for this kind of challange. Since it is both complicated and dangerous to do push ups behind the wheel.
But it made me restless so when ever I took a break i made some. So quite a few in the end. Also today.
Tomorrow is my first day n a new contract so let´s see how many I can manage to do in that, new, environment?
Anyway. It s wednesday so I will tell you the number I have reached.
It is this many:
Amount of push ups in 3 days.
Day 4.
As much as I love push ups and this challange I just had to give up a little this morning.
I love running more : )
Got out of bed at 7 and made a nice 12 k run around my new city. It was pretty cold and a little rainy but totaly worth it.
But it was hard to run. My legs was fine but my arms and shoulders. Really tired. It becomes clear how much you use your whole body in both running and push ups. Also my abs hurt.
Now #painweek continues.
After a days work I realise that it is difficult to do this challenge parallel with making a first, good impression on new collegues.
So I had to go easy during the day. I am however hired as an acrobat in this project and in a way it is my work to be strong I suppose.
However. When the day finnished I had to compensate and catch up. Vent for a little run. (2nd one today) But this one was more of a walk really. The hardest thing was the sprint up to where this picture is taken. Breathtaken.
I call it a sprint. That doesn’t mean I was fast.
Day 5.
3 days left. My shoulders are in pain. I felt it this morning when i went for my morning run (10k)
I had to let my arms hang down along my sides. Couldnt run at the speed I wanted since my arms were useless.
Once I got back I barely managed to start up my push up day.
But now it is rolling. I cant say I enjoy it. But I have no choice : )
Tonight I´m going to my summerhouse in the middle of the forest. No electricity there. This is bad for updating but very good for push ups. Focus, silence and discipline.
Day 6.
Spent the day out of town and had a good training day. Went for a 2 hour run in the deep forest before lunch. Really off road running. The sun was shining and my skin is now bleeding of scratching branches. By the end of the day I realised that I was quite behind on the push ups. Also I was tired from rowing and paddling so I had to come up with a fun and motivating way of training.I made pancakes. During each cake in the pan I made 10 push ups. Just the right amount to do many repetitions. I made 13 pancakes.
Day 7.
Still in the forest and my aim was to max the amount during the last day. I managed that but in the end I was really scared that I would injure myself. Which is something I cant really afford. But I managed get the highest amount of the whole week. It was nice to see the light in the tunnel.
Now this week of pain is over. I must say I liked it and I have realised that I can do more push ups a day that I thought I could do. Also, more then before, I realise that it doesnt take time at all. Like the pancake trick for example. It is a brilliant way to squeeze in unexpected training.
Over all I am happy. My arms and shoulders are a bit sore but I feel the good result.
This is the picture of my final number.
My number during #painweek